Yes I’m running naked through an unknown foreign town. People stare and rather unkindly laugh, as I desperately try and find cover to hide my shame. At least that’s how my current dream is going. My anxiety about the trip is being played out on a nightly basis and I don’t know why!
The trip has been in my head for years, ever since I saw a cycling programme about a shrine to cycling at Lake Como. I had thought then that visiting the place would be great, but riding all the way there was a long way off. Now with 5 days to go I’ve packed more times than a Nepalese sherpa.
I loaded everything on to the bike today and stood back. It seems to weigh about the same as my Volvo, except without the leather upholstery. Den and I plan on last ride tomorrow. Maybe a good showing then will begin to spare me my nighttime blushes.